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dc.contributor.authorStrzałecki, Andrzej
dc.identifier.citationForum Psychologiczne 2000, T. 5, nr 2, s. 160-171en_US
dc.description.abstractThe paper reports empirical research aiming to explain psychological factors of social position (social recognition and social popularity, measured by the sociometric index) of 13 and 14 years old pupils (N=52). The author's model of "The Creativity as a Style" represented by the Creativity Behavior Questionnaire (The CBQ) was used. Also Niebrzydowki's Self-estimation inventory - all covering the domain of personality, and Buss and Plomin EAS temperament questionnaire (version for teachers and parents) which represent domain of temperament, and Ziemska' s questionnaire of parental attitudes (altogether 19 independent variables) were used. The criterion is best explained by three factors of The CBQ: Life Approval (.42), Strength of Ego (.48), and Self-realization (.31). As complementary factors come: high Self-estimation (.41) (Niebrzydowski's inventory), Emotionality (.-41), and Shyness (-.29) from (The EAS questionnaire); and the following factors from parental attitudes questionnaire: Domination (-.36), Helplessness (-.42), Concentration (-.28), and Distance (-.42). The findings point out to an important problem, namely of "the efficient personality". This construct, once introduced by Obuchowski (1982), seems to be useful also in explaining social position of children in a group.en_US
dc.publisherInstytut Psychologii ; Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna w Bydgoszczyen_US
dc.titleModel "stylu twórczego zachowania się" jako wskaźnik pozycji społecznej uczniów w grupieen_US
dc.title.alternative“Creativity as a style" as a theoretical model explaining the social position of pupil s in the groupen_US

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