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Ostatnio dodane
Virtual reality immersive environments for motor and cognitive training of elderly people - a scoping review
(2021)The contemporary development of immersive virtual reality interfaces holds untapped potential for the rehabilitation and motor-cognitive training of older adults. Despite the parallel development of gamification methods ... -
Measurement invariance and Polish norms for the Perth Empathy Scale (PES)
(2024)Introduction: Originally developed in English, the Perth Empathy Scale (PES) is a 20-item self-report measure of empathy, designed to assess cognitive empathy and affective empathy across both negative and positive emotions. ... -
Wybory translatorskie XIX-wiecznego słownikarza rosyjskiego jako impuls do badań chronologizacyjnych polskiej leksyki zapożyczonej
(2024)Fifty-one entries (with the letter M) in the Russian-Polish dictionary of 1877 which were assigned a discussion of the meaning instead of a real translation, e.g. муссон – wjatr periodyczny [a periodic wind], were examined. ... -
Wzorzec idealnej piastunki, niani, opiekunki dziecięcej w świetle poradników polskich z II połowy XIX i początku XX wieku
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego, 2017)In dignitary Polish families in XIX and at the beginning of the 20th century it was popular, that mothers didn’t take care of small children independently, and for the aid a special service was being employed. To new born ...