Pokaż uproszczony rekord

dc.contributor.authorPiotrowski, Konrad
dc.contributor.authorBrzezińska, Anna Izabela
dc.identifier.citationPolskie Forum Psychologiczne 2012, T. 17, nr 1, s. 44-61en_US
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the study was to identify the predictors of satisfaction with present life and prospects for the future among people with disabilities in their adolescence (I6-I7 years of age), emerging adulthood (18-25 years) and early adulthood (26-30 years). The results indicate that satisfaction with present as well as future life is linked to various predictors. In the case of the first variable, the general assessment of one’s health is of major significance whereas in the case of the two subsequent age groups continuation of education is also important. Satisfaction with future prospects is determined, above all, by satisfactory financial situation of one’s family and relations with people other than family members.en_US
dc.publisherInstytut Psychologii ; Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczyen_US
dc.subjectlife satisfaction predictorsen_US
dc.subjectearly adulthooden_US
dc.titlePredyktory oceny dotychczasowego życia oraz perspektyw na przyszłość przez osoby niepełnosprawne w okresie adolescencji, wyłaniającej się dorosłości i wczesnej dorosłościen_US
dc.title.alternativePredictors of assessment of present life and future prospects among people with disabilities in their adolescence and emerging adulthooden_US

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Pokaż uproszczony rekord