Determinanty nieprawidłowego spostrzegania własnego ciała w anoreksji z perspektywy psychologii rozwoju człowieka
Many cultures and religions involve periods of starvation and limitations of food intake the element of their tradition. Anorexia nervosa, though, is a form of self-punishment which in by means of considerable “neglecting” of the body makes it the central object of individual’s attention, and in time his or her environment. As while searching for the sources of anorexia we may stress various perspectives e.g. cognitive, emotional-motivational, physiological, social, cultural etc., the analysis of anorexia ratings unchangeably concentrates on the problem of acceptance and control of physis. Positive approach to own body as well as effective use if it are the basic developmental tasks of the adolescent period. Yet, its realization in girls with eating disorders is not successful, what disturbs generally understood. According to the postulations of psychosomatics we cannot discuss bodily aspects of anorexia as isolated from a broad context of its other causers. Moreover we cannot forget that the disorder is the result of the bundle of causes. Still undoubtedly the problem of own physicality, and even a struggle against it, exposure to its intensive influence in the stage of adolescence is one of the crucial points of discussion on the mysterious phenomenon. anorexia, also in the context of prophylactics.