Separatyzmy narodowe i etniczne w Europie w kontekście fali migracji początku XXI w.
The issue of European security at the beginning of the 21 st century in the media space has been dominated by two major issues: the huge wave of migration triggered by civil wars, poverty and religious conflict in many African andAsian countries and the destabilization of Eastern Europe, the peak of which has been the Ukrainian. As a result, other security threats in Europe have ceased to be analyzed and consequently neglected. However, it is worth asking whether indeed there has been a collapse ofpolitical conflicts between po litical, religious or ethnic entities in the European space that have long been present in the European space? Separatism, understood as the pursuit of the nation (ethnic group) for independence and the establishment of a sovereign state, is experiencing a resurgence in Europe at the turn ofthe century. Primarily nations without states are the source ofsepa ratism which seek to statehood and national minorities who want to incorporate into their national state. Separatist movements in Western Europe pursue their goals through political and legal. Instrument separation is becoming more and more a referendum for independ ence. Eastern Europe and the Balkans armed secession is performed frequently. Russian separatism is the most dramatic consequences and led to five armed conflict and destabilization in almost all neighboring countries in the period 1991-2014. At the same time some peoples living in Russia seek to secede and establish their own state, which is con trolled by the Russian Federation’s most brutal methods. Separatism in the Balkans, including Croats, Bosnians, Albanians and Serbs have equally dramatic effects. Separatism as pretends to be intensified in Europe, although its objectives will be pursued separatist movements and political methods-legal.
- Książki, rozdziały [945]