Biblioteka ks. Kitowskiego (+1733)
The article is the first attempt at reviewing a private collection of books in East Prussia in the 18th century. It consists of 59 printed books and twelve extracts, Not all of the antique books were printed at the same time; the oldest ones date back to the 16th century, while the majority were printed in the 17th century; few in the subsequent century. Among them were precious multi-volume works edited by well- established printing houses in Italy, Germany, France and the Republic of Poland. They were mainly books on theology and preaching but also on history, medicine, education and law. They were religious and, patriotic in character. They had gone through several hands before they were finally gathered in Rev. Kitowski's collection, which proves that the books were widely read betw. 16th and 18th centuries by the nobility and clergy, whose intellectual standards were high.
- Książki, rozdziały [945]