Przeglądaj Artykuły naukowe według tytułu
Wyświetlanie pozycji 80-99 z 299
Daily mobility of disabled people for healthcare facilities and their accessibility in urban space
(Geographia Polonica, 2012)This paper presents findings from an empirical study of diurnal trips made by disabled people to healthcare facilities distributed across urban space. The study was carried out in the city of Bydgoszcz, Poland, while the ... -
Degradacja środowiska przyrodniczego i walorów turystycznych Wielkiego Kanału Brdy
(2013)The hydrotechnical system of the Wielki Brda Canal is one of the two great systems of artificial irrigation in the Tuchola Pinewoods, built by the Prussians. Due to the close proximity of the Brda River, it is now famous ... -
Deskrypcja długości i szerokości stóp kobiet i mężczyzn w obciążeniu masą własną, w wieku 4-18 lat, w świetle mory projekcyjnej
(2010)Introduction: The foot changes with age from wide and short in neonates to intermediate in teenagers. Objective: To describe changes in mean length and width of the foot during fast and slow phases of growth between the ... -
Development and Activity of the Institute of Geography, Kazimierz Wielki University in 1995-2016
(2017)The Institute of Geography of Kazimierz Wielki University, founded in 1996, initially as the Chair of Geography, is the youngest geography research and didactic unit in Poland. The Institute runs two-cycle studies in two ... -
Diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment
(2014)Łagodne zaburzenia funkcji poznawczych (Mild Cognitive Impairment, MCI) definiuje się najczęściej, jako zaburzenie poznawcze, z prawidłowym globalnym funkcjonowaniem poznawczym bez demencji. MCI występują u 15-30% osób 60 ... -
Dialog czy milczenie w przestrzeniach szkoły - prezentacja wyników przeprowadzonych badań własnych
(2014)Niniejsze opracowanie pokonferencyjne zawiera przegląd najważniejszych refleksji nad tym, czym jest dialog i milczenie. Dokonałam porównania oraz omówienia najważniejszych cech dyskusji prowadzonej na drodze szeroko ... -
Diet supplementation among athletes of the national canoeing and physical education students
(2013)The study was carried out on 35 person adult group for men with high levels of physical activity, including 6 canoeing national team and 29 students of physical education VHF in Bydgoszcz. The purpose of the study was to ... -
Differences in anthropometry, somatotype, body composition and physiological characteristics of female volleyball players by competition level
(2014)Purpose The aim of this study was to compare female volleyball teams with different performance level and to identify the physiological characteristics that discriminate them. Methods Thirty-seven players (age 21.9 ± 4.8 ... -
The differences in chosen spirometric values of young judo competitors against of the control group as one of the patterns to the improvement the health of the young generation
(2013)Poor physical activity in the young generation in the subsequent years results in problems of the majority of the society and at the same time in the increase of budget expenses on the healthcare. Therefore, despite creating ... -
Diversity of soil mite communities (Acari) within habitats seasonally flooded by the Vistula River (Ostromecko' Poland)
(2012)The research was carried out in three types of habitats located in the seasonally flooded area of the Vistula River within Wielka Kępa Ostromecka Reserve: Salicetum albo-fragilis, Fraxino-Alnetum and Populetum albae. In ... -
Diversity of the Mesostigmata (Acari) in tree-hollows of selected deciduous tree species
(2011)Rich gamasid communities were found in tree-hollows of horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum), small-leaved lime (Tilia cordata), and white willow (Salix alba) in urban and rural areas in northern Poland (Bydgoszcz and ... -
Dobrostan fizyczny młodych mężczyzn niewidomych i niedowidzących na podstawie wybranych pomiarów spirometrycznych
(2011)Jednym z ważniejszych wyzwań zdrowia publicznego w XXI wieku będzie zapewnienie właściwej opieki osobom niepełnosprawnym. Osoby takie już z powodu nabytej bądź wrodzonej niepełnosprawności mają od początku zdecydowanie ... -
Economical and optimal pedalling velocity characteristics during maximal and submaximal efforts on cycloergometer
(2007)This investigation was undertaken in order to verify the hypothesis that there exist some relationship between the optimal and economical pedalling rate in maximal efforts and the economical pedalling speed in submaximal ... -
Effect of elevated physical activity on changes in body composition and subcutaneous fat distribution in boys aged 10 to 16 years : a longitudinal study
(2014)The study is aimed at evaluation of the effect of regular physical activity on total and subcutaneous body fat and its distribution in boys aged 10 to 16 years. A three-year longitudinal study was carried out in order to ... -
Effect of spine biomechanical correction Kozyavkin’s method (INRS) on components of muscle tone in children with spastic form of Cerebral Palsy and its possible prediction
(Faculty of Physical Education, Health and Tourism, Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, Poland, 2015-01-04)A clinical-physiological observations in 29 children aged 7÷16 years with spastic forms of cerebral palsy. State of Gross Motor Function was 1÷4 levels at GMFCS, the functional state of the hand (usually the left ) was 1÷4 ... -
Effects of a 90-minute wrestling training on the selected features of the shape of spine and pelvis under load
(Archives of Budo Science of Martial Arts and Extreme Sports, 2014)Background & Study Aim: The ability to transfer vertical load is conditioned, among others, by the symmetry of the spine in the frontal plane and by the optimal values of angles of physiological curvatures in the sagittal ... -
Effects of the cycloergometer exercises on power and jumping ability measured during jumps performed on a dynamometric platform
(2010)The aim of this work was the determination of the cycloergometer exercises influence on the lower limbs power changes and height of rise of the body mass centre, measured in CMJ (counter movement jump) and performed on a ... -
Ekstremalny opad eoliczny na wybrzeżu klifowym wyspy Wolin w dniach 29 i 30 czerwca 2002 r.
(Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 2007)Artykuł zawiera wyniki badań ekstremalnego opadu eolicznego w okolicy klifu Świdnej Kępy na wyspie Wolin. Sprzyjające warunki meteorologiczne przyczyniły się do wystąpienia intensywnej deflacji na skłonie klifu. Materiał ...