Chór Nauczycieli Słowackich - reprezentant kultury chóralnej na Słowacji
Prof. Milan Pazurik presents in his article the history and artistic activity of the Choir of Slovak teacher which is representative for Slovak culture. This Choir was established in December 1920. Gabor Valocky was one of its founders and its first conductor was Ferdinant Yacha (1860-1932). The Choir performed for the first time on August 22nd, 1922 in Trenczyn. Further, in his article the author describes the trial performance organization, the repertoire of the choir, methods of acquiring the new members and among others the performance of the choir during concerts. Just like each non-professional choir, it has been subject to financial problems, changes of the conductors and changes of the choir performers. However, these difficulties did not affect the level of performance or the frequency of appearances on the stage. The author describes also the activity of the choir at the background of political changes which occurred in Czech Republic and Slovakia. The repertoire of the choir contains the pieces of Slovakian and Czech conductors as well as many pieces of foreign artists. Throughout many years of its performance carrier, the Choir participated at many domestic and foreign music festivals. The Choir won the prizes at festivals held in Athens, Gorizia, Llangollen, Neuchatel and tolosa. The Choir of Slovak teachers has been promoting choral singing since 1920 giving a lot of satisfaction to its listeners and choir performers themselves.