Pokaż uproszczony rekord

dc.contributor.authorSołtys, Michalina
dc.contributor.authorBasińska, Małgorzata
dc.identifier.citationPolskie Forum Psychologiczne 2014, T. 19, nr 4, s. 438-456en_US
dc.description.abstractThe present study investigates the differentiating role of religious involvement in a level of resiliency, religious orientations, and life attitudes in a sample of 131 women. We examined the associations between resiliency and religious orientations as psychological resources, and life attitudes as an indicator of mental health in the notice dimension in 4 groups. The following methods were used: the KPB-PO (Uchnast, 1997), a set of scales ,,Your religiosity" (Socha, 1992), and the Life Attitude Profile-Revised (Reker, 1992). Analyses of the data confirmed that religious involvement differentiates the level of resiliency, intrinsic and extrinsic religious orientations, as well as life attitudes excluding death acceptance, Furthermore, the results suggested that resiliency is an important resource in believers and non-practicing believers. Sense of security is a relevant correlate of meaning of life in non-believers. However, internally motivated religiosity which is characteristic of deep believers seemed to have the greatest influence on mental health.en_US
dc.publisherInstytut Psychologii ; Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczyen_US
dc.subjectreligious orientationsen_US
dc.subjectlife attitudesen_US
dc.titlePrężność i orientacje religijne a postawy życiowe kobiet - różnicująca rola zaangażowania religijnegoen_US
dc.title.alternativeResiliency and religious orientations versus women’s life attitudes: differentiating role of religious involvementen_US

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Pokaż uproszczony rekord