Doświadczanie własnej cielesności u kobiet i mężczyzn w kontekście zachowań autodestruktywnych
The gender differences of the form and frequency of self-destructive behaviours are a starting point for bringing up the problem of body experience. The researches of men's and women's body experience indicate greater disadaptation among women, who suffer from body estimation disorders, don't accept their own bodies and feel anger or even hatred to them more often than men do. The attempts to explain the gender differences in body experience refer, on one hand, to anatomical and physiological sex distinctness (Cross. 1993), and on the other hand, to cultural and social influences (Bem, 2000; Kaschak, 1996). The culture-determined interpretation of biological sex differences reconciles these two standpoints; however, this problem should be empirically verified in the field of interdisciplinary researches.