Wygląd zewnętrzny człowieka a społeczny efekt autoprezentacyjny - czy osoba stereotypizowana może wpływać na spostrzegającego?
There are many scientific evidences that our perception is sensitive to appearance of others. For example Brewer and Lui's researches proved that physical signs of age and sex are the most important signals in process of people's identification (Brewer, Lui, 1989). The evolutionary sense of that phenomenon is simple fo explain - thanks to this ability we can quickly identify our potential procreative partner But social consequences of that tendency are often negative, e.g. unequal treatment of men and women in the workplace. The main purpose of presented researches was testing hypotheses, which predicted that discrimination of men and women who applied for the job typical for another sex could be reduced by providing individuating information suggesting that the applicant was an exception to his or her gender stereotype Obtained results could be useful for all people who want to increase their chances in the labor market.