Historyczne i religijne żródła współczesnej edukacji domowej (home education) w USA
The article is devoted to a very interesting American movement of home education called „home education", „home schooling" or „unschooling". Parents who participate in this program resign from every private or state-owned form of education for their children. Home schooling is not a new phenomenon in the USA. It was widespread in the colonial America. Its disappearance took place in the moment of expansion of public schools in the 19,h century and in the beginning of the 20,h century. But it revived among evangelical religious groups although it was not positively perceived by public educational administration. Even in 1980’s there was a stereotype of people practicing home schooling as those who isolate their children from the world and protect them from the evil of progress and sexual education. Nowadays these stereotypes are not so popular and home teaching is not perceived as a threat to public education.
- Książki, rozdziały [943]