Usłyszeć niewypowiedziane, czyli o interpretacji psychologicznej za pomocą narzędzi teorii literatury
The Theory of Literature provides tools for interpreting language communication. The fundamental material on which a psychologist works is verbal communication (excluding non-verbal communication), and it is usually the only material used. A psychologist, when interpreting a communication, which is often a latent one, de facto has no other alternative but to employ these tools. In general, it is neither conscious nor named. In this article we focus on the usage of these tools rather than discussing their theoretical aspect. We present how in communication/ its transcription implied information, defined by the rules of speech, comes out from under thematised information, i.e. determined by the meaning of words and sentences. What is expressed in a free-flowing style (i.e. is not consciously evaluated), and what is expressed in a deliberate style (an intended and desired mental reaction) of individual language? What changes when a narrator is changed? How
does the way in which the world presented is created change together with the change of the manner in which time is defined, and the way events and their locations are described? These are the questions we try to answer and at the same time demonstrate what functions these changes can serve within the confines of particular areas. The examples given are merely a sample; we do not claim to explore all the possibilities. Our aim is just to make them more evident.