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Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 48
On McShane-type integrals with respect to some derivation bases
(Institute of Mathematics AS CR, 2006)Some observations concerning McShane type integrals are collected. In particular, a simple construction of continuous major/minor functions for a McShane integrand in R^n is given. -
Adjoint classes of functions in the H1 sense
(Institute of Mathematics AS CR, 2007)Using the concept of the H1-integral, we consider a similarly defined Stieltjes integral. We prove a Riemann-Lebesgue type theorem for this integral and give examples of adjoint classes of functions. -
Elastic moduli of veneers in pine and beech plywood
(Instytut Technologii Drewna w Poznaniu / Wood Technology Institute, 2012)The paper presents the results of a study concerning the elastic moduli of veneers assembled in pine and beech plywood panels. The elastic modulus of veneers in the direction of the grain and the elastic modulus of veneers ... -
Elastic properties of the layers of three-layer particleboards
(Springerlink, 2012)Elastic properties of the face and core layers of commercial three-layer particleboards were examined. The method of compressing the block specimens glued from strips of layers separated from boards, and measuring specimen ... -
Effect of industrial wood particle size on mechanical properties of wood-polyvinyl chloride composites
(Springerlink, 2012)Wood-polyvinyl chloride (PVC) composites were prepared using industrial wood particles used for manufacturing three-layer particleboards. The effect of particle size (0.25–0.5, 0.5–1, 1–2, and 2–4 mm) on the mechanical ... -
Computational approach to neural plasticity of nervous system on system level
(2012)Neuroplasticity (brain plasticity, cortical plasticity) is perceived an ability of nervous system to be changed (both in functional and structural areas) by processed signals (i. e. through activity, changes in environment, ... -
Maximums of extra strong Świątkowski functions
(De Gruyter Open, 2012)In this paper, we present some results concerning functions which are represented as the maximum of two extra strong Świątkowski functions. -
Properties of one-layer experimental particleboards from willow (Salix viminalis) and industrial wood particles
(Springerlink, 2013)The objective of this study was to investigate some mechanical and physical properties of one-layer particleboards made from various willow (Salix viminalis) and industrial pine wood particle mixtures bonded with urea ... -
Magnetoencephalograpy in brain-computer interfaces- current and future solutions
(2013)Neurological disorders may cause severe disorders. Scientists and clinicians still look forward to novel technologies allowing for precise, relevant diagnosis and effective treatment. One of the most promising technologies ... -
Relationship between wettability and lubrication characteristics of the surfaces of contacting phospholipid-based membranes
(Springer-Verlag, 2013)The wettability of the articular surface of cartilage depends on the condition of its surface active phospholipid overlay, which is structured as multi-bilayer. Based on a hypothesis that the surface of cartilage facilitates ... -
Connections between connected topological spaces on the set of positive integers
(De Gruyter Open, 2013)In this paper we introduce a connected topology T on the set ℕ of positive integers whose base consists of all arithmetic progressions connected in Golomb’s topology. It turns out that all arithmetic progressions which are ... -
Products of Internally Quasi-Continuous Functions
(De Gruyter Open, 2013)In this paper we characterize the product of internally quasi- -continuous functions and we construct a bounded internally quasi-continuous strong Świa̧tkowski function which cannot be written as a finite product of ... -
Description of Timing Belt Coupling Using a Pendulum with Variable Coupling Point
(2013)In the description of the process of coupling of pulleys with the toothed belt often existing solutions are used. Depending on the application they are similar to flat belt, chain or hellical gears. Euler made a first ... -
Motion Analysis of Timing Belt Used in Control Systems
(2013)The paper presents the results of measurements and analyzes gear timing belts, used in control systems. Many of the design features of timing belt determines its usefulness in such systems. Knowledge of technical parameters ... -
Timing belts in glass processing systems
(2013)Paper present main problems connected with exploitation of timing belts in fast growing production and processing systems. Mechatronics systems in glass production are the fastest developed field of application of ... -
Preliminary Results of Implantation in Animal Model and Osteoblast Culture Evaluation of Prototypes of Biomimetic Multispiked Connecting Scaffold for Noncemented Stemless Resurfacing Hip Arthroplasty Endoprostheses
(2013)We present the new fixation method for RHA (resurfacing hip arthroplasty) endoprostheses by means of the biomimetic multispiked connecting scaffold (MSC-Scaffold). Such connecting scaffold can generate new type of RHA ... -
Computer Aided Stereometric Evaluation of Porostructuralosteoconductive Properties of Intra-Osseous Implant Porous Coatings
(Polish Academy of Sciences Committee on Metrology and Scientific Instrumentation, 2013)The proper interaction of bone tissue – the natural porous biomaterial – with a porous coated intra-osseous implant is conditioned, among others, by the implant porous coating poroaccessibility for bone tissue adaptive ... -
Robot-mediated pediatric neurorehabilitation
(2014)The huge complexity and variety of deficits in children, their continuous development, and co-operation simultaneously with children and their parents make clinical practice in pediatric neurorehabilitation particularly ... -
BCI-controlled mechatronic devices, systems, and environments
(2014)Use of BCIs in patients with severe neurological deficits can improve their quality of life (QoL), provide them increased independence, and possibly increase effectiveness, shorten, and reduce cost of diagnosis, treatment, ... -
3D printing technologies in rehabilitation engineering
(2014)3D printing, 3D scanning, and reverse engineering are relatively novel technologies, which may revolutionize scientific research within health sciences and clinical practice. Broader use of such technologies may cause ...