Gordonian Implications in Polish Music Pedagogy: Bydgoszcz School Model
Theory of universal music learning, according to Gordon, is mostly directed at teachers. The text aims at showing the aspect of the application of E. E. Gordon's theory into early music education teacher's professional training in Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz in Poland. The author recognises the importance of shaping research competences of future teachers as they help students use not only practical (pedagogical), but also methodological and empirical work of E.E. Gordon's theory. The text presents also the conclusion from research on the application of E.E. Gordon's Theory of Music Learning, carried out by students of early school and music education in Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz in Poland. It is important to emphasise the fact that research has been conducted according to Gordon's procedures. Researching the Gordonian implications in Polish music education refers to its selected elements within the range of application of research problems, theoretical implications and selected diagnostics solutions in early music education (also E.E. Gordon's tools). The main idea of the text revolves around more and more popular aspect of making university and teachers training innovations and relations very practical (in Polish universal music education). Such expectations are taken into consideration in Muzopolis project - described in this text - from its begining has been the field of practical and empirical application of the elements of E.E. Gordon's theory with the use of staff and student team cooperating in the Faculty of Music Pedagogy of the Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz environmen
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