Musical-Educational Research of the Adaptation of E.E. Gordon's Theory of Music Learning in Poland
The authors demonstrate the results of their own research on the adaptation and
application of E. E. Gordon's theory of learning music in the educational practice in Poland.Their research quests regard all the phases of education from pre-school period to university.The research is generally used to verify the theoretical assumptions of music learning in Polish conditions on the basis of the experimental procedures with the use of tonal and rhythmical motives in sequential didactic approach, diagnosing the musical abilities and achievements with the tools by Edwin E. Gordon, musical instrument timbre preference in
children's formal and informal education as well as the correlative strategy in examining the relation between the musical abilities and the eagerness for musical improvisations and musical achievements. The authors represent the only research centre in Poland dealing with statutory research on the theory of learning music
- Artykuły naukowe [444]
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