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dc.contributor.authorSiwiec, Marek K.
dc.identifier.citationSiwiec M., "Cały własny świat" - o osobowości twórczej i dziele Krzysztofa Derdowskiego (1957-2017), Filo-Sofija 2017, nr 39, s. 191-204.en_US
dc.description.abstractIn the the present essay, Marek Kazimierz Siwiec imparts his reflections on the Bygdoszczian writer, poet, play-writer and publicist. The author underscores how extraordinary, unique and rich was the creative personality of Krzysztof Derdowski (1957–2017). This shows up in his inquisitive intellect, vivid imagination, deep intuition and profound erudition. The author claims that the multidimensional activities of the writer exhibited the dramatic aspect of anxiety, which was difficult to master. The high price for the gift of creativity was paid – that of the inner non-equilibrium and suffering. The writer drew from the experience of mutiny, despair and resistance against all guises of violence and evil, which constituted his creative environment and sources. He drew from them so as to show the truth about the human destiny marked by suffering. Despair gnawed at him but failed to obfuscate the world before his eyes. For, the despair was accompanied by the courage to decide about, and plunge into, the world as well as an admiration for how “awfully beautiful” the world is. M. K. Siwiec makes out in this stance the openness towards the creative source. The pivotal role in Krzysztof Derdowski’s poems is played by the reflection on the poetical creation of the world. The creation begins from what is closest: the street the poet lives in and is encompassing gradually vaster and vaster swathes. The important motive (and exhibiting the poet’s existential Angst) is the image of drowning. M. K. Siwiec draws a special attention to the poem Wiejska sielanka [A country idyll] with the image of a cow slowly drowning in the bogs of the river Noteć. The world in the background is apparently as idyllic as indifferent. M. K. Siwiec recalls his many-years-friendship with Krzysztof Derdowski, tried in difficult life circumstances and the critical events of the epoch: the participation of the Solidarity movement, the opposition and conspiracy in the 1980s. The author states that Krzysztof Derdowski “passed away unexpectedly; in the midst of his creative momentum; in the bloom of his art-life.”en_US
dc.rightsUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polska*
dc.subjectKrzysztof Derdowskien_US
dc.subjectDerdowski, Krzysztofen_US
dc.subjectosobowość twórczaen_US
dc.subjecthorror istnieniaen_US
dc.subjecttwórcze źródłoen_US
dc.subjectcreative personalityen_US
dc.subjectthe horror of existenceen_US
dc.subjectthe creative sourceen_US
dc.title"Cały własny świat" - o osobowości twórczej i dziele Krzysztofa Derdowskiego (1957-2017)en_US
dc.title.alternative"The Entire World of His". On Krzysztof Derdowski’s Work and Creative Personalityen_US

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Uznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polska
Poza zaznaczonymi wyjątkami, licencja tej pozycji opisana jest jako Uznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polska