Artykuły naukowe: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 81-100 z 368
Ontologia Franza Brentana
(2005) -
Introligatorstwo w Bydgoszczy w świetle dokumentacji egzaminów zawodowych z lat 1901-1933
(2012)At the State Archive in Bydgoszcz, in the group of files of the Chamber of Craftsmanship, there are documents of bookbinder examinations. The examinations were characterised by a fairly high level of difficulty.A significant ... -
Filozofia wobec politycznego przymusu. Analiza początku ks. I Platońskiego "Państwa"
(2007)The importance of the introduction to the first book of Plato’s Republic has been underrated by contemporary scholars. However, the scene in question is of great importance for understanding the relationship between ... -
Boska wiedza pośrednia, wolność i zło
(2005)The author investigates the problem whether it is possible to adopt two tenets at the same time: one saying that God possesses prior knowledge of future contingent events, especially human acts, and another one saying that ... -
Herb Chełmna
(2001) -
Dzwony chełmińskie. Zarys dziejów
(1997) -
Neokartezjanizm Edmunda Husserla
(2004) -
Kartezjańska metafizyka jako filozofia fizyki
(2007)The aim ofthe paper is to present and stress the role ofCartesian metaphysics in establishing the bases of modem physics. It is usually undervalued, that the originality ofCartesian idea rests on the fact that the French ...