Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-8 z 8

    • Ajdukiewiczowska obrona klasycznej koncepcji prawdy 

      Chlewicki, Maciej (Bydgoskie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 2015)
      The main of the most important contentions of Ajdukiewicz’s philosophy and epistemology is that the classical theory of truth, in contrast to the non-classical theory of truth, is the only correct explanation of the problem ...
    • Empiryczny realizm Kanta 

      Chlewicki, Maciej (2004)
      The author undertakes an interpretation of the Critique ofPure Reason in which transcendental idealism and empirical realism are equated with one another. He proceeds by first asking the question ifsuch an equation is ...
    • Filozof niemetafizyczny. O filozofii i metafilozofii Stefana Sarnowskiego 

      Chlewicki, Maciej (Bydgoskie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 2014)
      The article is an attempt at presenting the main ideas of Polish contemporary philosopher Stefan Sarnowski (1939–2014). In his works Sarnowski labelled his conception as metaphilosophy, the philosophy of philosophy, and ...
    • Kant i Berkeley z metafilozoficznego punktu widzenia 

      Chlewicki, Maciej (2004)
      Metaphilosophical perspective applied in the paper, treating not reality or its cognition as in traditional understanding of philosophy, but describing and defining phenomena within philosophy itself gives the opportunity ...
    • Kartezjańska metafizyka jako filozofia fizyki 

      Chlewicki, Maciej (2007)
      The aim ofthe paper is to present and stress the role ofCartesian metaphysics in establishing the bases of modem physics. It is usually undervalued, that the originality ofCartesian idea rests on the fact that the French ...
    • Koncepcja epistemologii Kazimierza Twardowskiego 

      Chlewicki, Maciej (2018)
      The article outlines the development and main principles of Kazimierz Twardowski’s epistemology which had the greatest relevance for the Polish contemporary theory of knowledge. The primary emphasis was placed firstly upon ...
    • Kryzys nauki a filozofia : dwa ujęcia 

      Chlewicki, Maciej (2006)
    • Neokartezjanizm Edmunda Husserla 

      Chlewicki, Maciej (2004)