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dc.contributor.authorPujszo, Ryszard
dc.contributor.authorSkorupa, Henryk
dc.contributor.authorSmaruj, Mirosław
dc.contributor.authorAdam, Marek
dc.identifier.citationResearch Yearbook (Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity), 2008;14(1): 20-26en_US
dc.descriptionObserwacje własne podczas zawodów sportowych, podczas treningów wyczynowych sportowców, jak również w trakcie intensywnych zajęć rekreacyjnych pozwalają stwierdzić pewien wpływ zmęczenia fizycznego na pracę systemu kontroli postawy ciała. Wielokrotnie można zaobserwować sportowców słaniających się na nogach ze zmęczenia po wielkim wysiłku, jednak nie można było dotychczas określić czy jest to zaburzenie pracy całego systemu kontroli postawy ciała, czy też wyczerpanie fizjologiczne całego organizmu związane z jego zakwaszeniem. W niniejszych badaniach postanowiono sprawdzić jak mocno zakłóca kontrolę postawy ciała (równowagę) standardowy wysiłek potrzebny do określenia maksymalnego pułapu tlenowego metodą pośrednią Astrand – Ryhming. Jednocześnie podjęto próbę znalezienia związku pomiędzy wydolnością fizyczną, a poziomem kontroli postawy ciała zakłóconym właśnie przez wysiłek fizycznyen_US
dc.description.abstractUnsteady athletes have been commonly seen after completion of a very intensive effort but it has been difficult to claim so far, whether such a state is a result of a perturbation of the postural control system or physiological exhaustion of an organism due to its acidification. The focus of the study is to assess how much a standard effort, necessary to determine maximal oxygen intake by the indirect Astrand-Ryhming method, perturbs the postural control system. At the same time an attempt has been made to find a relationship between physical capacity and the level of postural control disturbed by physical effort. 18 women students of different specializations (except for Physical Education) at the Kazimierz Wielki University participated in the research. All the students declared themselves as non-training ones. Two trial tests were performed in the morning from 10.00 to 12.00h: Test 1 disturbing postural stability and PWC170 test on the rowing ergometer. Two other trial tests followed in the afternoon from 16.00 to 18.00h: Test 2 disturbing postural control and Test 3 (standard effort on the rowing ergometer). The rate of perturbation of postural control measured by Test 1 was very similar to the results obtained from the same test during other investigations; the rate of perturbation of postural control measured by Test 2 was significantly higher than in Test 1 at the level of significance p<0.001; the rate of perturbation of postural control measured by Test 3 was significantly higher than in Test 1 at the level of significance p<0,001 and very similar to the result in Test 2 – differences insignificant statistically. PWC170 test result showed the mean value of physical capacity slightly higher than in non-training subjects and coincident with the results obtained in other investigations. Aerobic effort significantly disturbs postural control. No relationship has been observed between physical capacity and postural control perturbations caused by physical effort. No correlation has been observed between postural control perturbations imposed by rotation and those imposed by physical effort. Different curves for postural control perturbation drop and postwork HR drop may suggest lack of any relationship between these processes and indirectly confirms the second conclusion.en_US
dc.subjectkontrola postawy ciałaen_US
dc.subjectwysiłek tlenowyen_US
dc.subjectpostural controlen_US
dc.titleWydolność fizyczna tlenowa a kontrola postawy ciała nie trenujących kobieten_US
dc.title.alternativeThe aerobic physical capacity and control of posture in non-training women studentsen_US

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