Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-10 z 40
Emotion regulation and the quality of life in patients with essential hypertension: a search for psychological targets
Background: Essential hypertension (HTN) is a chronic disease, which is associated with a reduction in the health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Most studies have examined the relationship between HRQoL and medical or ...
Wybrane problemy badań w medycynie psychosomatycznej i sposoby na ich rozwiązania: przestrzeń dla nowych osiągnięć
Obecnie, pomimo dosyć długiej historii medycyny psychosomatycznej (MP) i dużej liczby publikacji naukowych, nauka ta przestała szukać odpowiedzi na kluczowe dla niej pytania i nagromadziła określone problemy wymagające ...
Quality of Life in Schoolchildren, Their Parents and Teachers during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Psychosomatic Health, Teachers’ and Parents’ Burnout Along with the Prevalence of Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms
The COVID-19 pandemic and the related changes in the implementation of educational activities affected three groups of the school community: schoolchildren, their parents and teachers. The purpose of this study is to assess ...
Assessment of activation, intensity and duration of positive and negative emotions: psychometric properties of the Polish version of the Perth Emotional Reactivity Scale – Short Form
Background. The Perth Emotional Reactivity Scale – Short Form (PERS-S) is an 18-item self-report questionnaire that assesses emotional reactivity. The PERS-S measures activation, intensity, and duration of negative and ...
Assessing alexithymia across negative and positive emotions: Psychometric properties of the Polish version of the Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire
(Frontiers Media, 2022)
The Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire (PAQ) is a 24-item self-report measure of alexithymia. Originally developed in English, it was designed to try to enable more comprehensive (i.e., facet-level and valence-specific) ...
Skala Reaktywności Emocjonalnej Perth–wersja skrócona: arkusz testowy, instrukcja do obliczania wyników oraz tymczasowe normy dla kobiet i mężczyzn
Skala Reaktywności Emocjonalnej Perth–wersja skrócona: arkusz testowy, instrukcja do obliczania wyników oraz tymczasowe normy dla kobiet i mężczyzn