Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-6 z 6

    • How Are Different Perfectionism Traits Related to Mental Health in Students? 

      Larionow, Paweł (MDPI, 2024)
      Multidimensional models of perfectionism postulate the existence of various perfectionism traits, with different effects on mental health. In order to suggest parsimonious targets in psychological interventions for university ...
    • Multiple Passions and Psychosomatic Health 

      Mudło-Głagolska, Karolina; Larionow, Paweł (MDPI, 2023)
      People are often passionate about different activities in their lives. This study examined the role of multiple passions in psychosomatic health (i.e., subjective vitality and somatic symptoms) using variable-centered and ...
    • Psychological Characteristics of Students with Passion for Studying 

      Larionow, Paweł; Gabryś, Agnieszka (MDPI, 2024-05-28)
      Passion for studying can be considered a significant factor that promotes well-being and mental health in students. This study aimed to examine whether the psychological characteristics of students with a passion for ...
    • Sprężystość psychiczna a dobrostan w chorobie przewlekłej – mediująca rola podmiotowego umocnienia i radzenia sobie 

      Sęk, Helena; Kaczmarek, Łukasz; Ziarko, Michał; Pietrzykowska, Ewelina; Lewicka, Joanna (Instytut Psychologii ; Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy, 2012)
      Maintaining high levels of well-being in the face of a chronic disease requires utilization of many psychosocial resources in the coping process. The efficacy of this process depends on using coping strategies that fit to ...
    • Subjective loneliness, well-being and marital satisfaction in couples with different attachment styles 

      Kornaszewska-Polak, Monika (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy, 2016)
      The basic principle of attachment theory is the assumption that early childhood attachment relationships with significant others (primary attachment figure) are the pattern for the later romantic relationships in adulthood ...
    • Zastosowanie psychologii pozytywnej w edukacji 

      Kolber, Magdalena (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy, 2014)
      Psychologia pozytywna, w przeciwieństwie do psychologii klinicznej, koncentrującej się na patologii oraz deficytach, skupiona jest na ludzkich siłach, cnotach oraz zaletach. Szeroko rozpowszechniony problem depresji i ...