Genderyzm w studenckiej perspektywie. Między wiedzą, antywiedzą a niewiedzą
Among the issues occupying the attention of contemporary researchers and representatives of different disciplines of science is the phenomenon (an idea) of genderism. Knowledge about it is, generally speaking, diverse and insufficient in relation to the significance of the phenomenon that is given to the issue in contemporary societies. One of the more numerous social groups, which, due to their participation in the processes of higher education, should come into contact with various socio-cultural ideas and phenomena are students. It is their perception of genderism that is the major consideration of this discussion. Focusing particularly on the aspect of students’ knowledge (but also ignorance and anti-knowledge), the results of a survey conducted in a university environment are presented. Th e results are unsatisfactory, showing a relatively wide area of insufficient knowledge (anti-knowledge) on genderism. In light of the results, a need arises, on the one hand, for further extensive study of the issue, whereas, on the other hand, there is a need for taking effective action in the processes of higher education to change this unfavorable state of affairs.
- Artykuły naukowe [444]