Transformations of working time as a factor of labour dehumanization
Shortening working time and making it more flexible, which have been observed in Europe since mid-20th century, are perceived as the main features and conditions for labour humanization as well as the sign of social progress. The aim of the article has been showing negative consequences of this phenomenon,especially for maintaining balance between work and private life. It was based on hypothesis that the tendency to shorten the working time and to make it more flexible cannot be seen only as a factor of humanization, as the achievements of the social policy in Europe have been accompanied by many negative aspects, having a negative influence over both employees and employers. One of those observed occurrences were progressive disturbances in balancing work and private life. The considerations have been based on critical literature analysis method, the analysis of formal legal documents and statistics reports and sources. The transformations of working time and their influence over free time shortage and thus the imbalance between work and private life have been analysed. The theoretical-problem analyses allowed to reach the conclusion that the transformations of working time, related to negative changes in its organization, can be perceived as a factor of dehumanization of one's work.
- Artykuły naukowe [444]
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