Prawo poznania własnych rodziców w świetle Konwencji o prawach dziecka
The paper discusses the interpretation of the right of the child to know his or her parents as enshrined in Article 7 ofthe Convention on the Rights ofthe Child. The enjoyment ofthis right is undoubtedly of para mount importance for the proper development ofthe child’s identity. Nevertheless, the approach of almost absolute protection ofthe right to know one’s parents adopted by the UN Committee on the Rights ofthe Child in its Concluding Observations does not seem to be appropriate, as it does not take proper account nei ther of conflicting rights of all persons involved, especially the child’s right to life (cases of “baby boxes”) and the right to private life ofbiological parents (cases ofanonymous births), nor ofconsiderations ofpublic interest.
- Książki, rozdziały [945]