Determinanty decentralizacji władzy publicznej w konstytucji RP
The essay is an attempt to determine the scope of application and limits ofthe prin ciple of decentralization of public power as enshrined in the Constitution ofthe Repu blic of Poland. Full reconstruction ofthe substance ofthe principle in question requires taking into consideration the relationships between the principle of decentralization and other principles that govern the system ofthe state (the principle ofsubsidiarity, the principle of a democratic state, the principle according to which the Republic of Poland shall be the good of all citizens). In particular, the relationship between the via bility of decentralization and the high level of democratization and civic participation has been emphasized. The analysis ofthe limitation ofthe principle of decentralization was conducted mainly by determining the impact ofthe principle of unitary state to that effect. The interpretation ofthe principle ofdecentralization was illustrated by relevant jurisdiction ofthe Constitutional Tribunal.
- Książki, rozdziały [945]