Społeczne funkcje i edukacyjne znaczenie uczestnictwa kobiet w ciąży oraz małych dzieci w koncertach muzyki klasycznej
The article is devoted to the presentation of the results of a research on the social functions and importance of participation in classical music concerts for pregnant women, infants, and young children, organized by the Pomeranian Philharmonic in Bydgoszcz. The research project was devoted to exploring such functions of music, as education and entertainment, as well as the functions of family in reference to stratification, socialization, identification, and emotions, as it is the family that, through participation in the high-brow culture from the prenatal period, for one thing, determines a child’s place in the social structure, and permanently imprints participation in this king of culture as a lifestyle. In Sociology of Music, Barbara Jabłońska writes that music also fulfils a distinctive and segregational function, that is, promotes class divisions in a society, as it diversifies social positions by means of consumption of certain musical genres. It seems that the concerts discussed in the article may have such a function in relation to the ways of spending free time by families. Participation in concerts for pregnant women, infants, and young children is a means of reproduction of social position by families who are aware of the scientifically proven positive impact of participation in high-brow culture on the child’s cognitive and emotional development. Conscious parenting, including participation in this type of concerts, can support the educational life chances of children. The article is based on a participant observation and interviews with the promoters of the concerts, as well as an analysis of the literature on the subject.
- Artykuły naukowe [444]