Pedagogika specjalna w pogoni za uciekającym podmiotem
This article reflects on the identity of special education as a science in the context of its subject. As the review of the literature shows, defining the subject is not particularly difficult for special education teachers; however, considering this subject's characteristics, especially in terms of development, causes a number of doubts of methodological nature which strike at the integrity of this pedagogical subdiscipline. Does it pose a threat to the integration of special education itself? The title "escaping subject" is used in the article as a specific metaphor with reference to the selected dynamic contexts of contemporary special education, i.e.: liberation, emancipation, integration and inclusion. Also the metaphoric "pursuit" refers only to methodological concerns as - according to present trends - the representatives of this science, aware of their importance in a disabled person's life, are calling for self-limitation themselves. Special education is and will be entangled in numerous contradictions. Some people try to resolve them, others see the essence of this science in them. The author is inclined to the second option, which she justifies in the article. However, these contradictions need to be identified in both cases, as this is important both for theoretical and practical work (e.g. it makes it possible to answer the question about the reasons and limits of interference in a disabled child's development, building relationship with otherness, etc.). This study attempts to analyze such contradictions at the level of this science's general assumptions.
- Książki, rozdziały [945]