Diagnosis of Child Listening to Music in the Light of SUMs Application
The presented paper is of theoretical-diagnostic-empirical character. The purpose of the
research was to learn and analyse the possibility of evaluation of the pupilsí achievements in relation to diversified listening to music. What was analysed was the possibility of an objective control over the introduction of some music-related theoretical terms basing on a selected method of activeness, i.e. listening to music. The research subject was the pupilsí competences related to music listening. Two-phase diagnostic-educational research was performed in order to create the authorsí (own) tool to diagnose the listening to music competence (in Polish Sprawdzian UmiejÊtno˙ci Muzycznych ñ SUMs). The first phase was based on the method of a diagnostic survey with the application of a questionnaire, observation, and testing. The second phase refers to the evaluation research and focuses on the further testing pupilsí competences basing on the didactic tool ñ SUMs. Conducting the quantification and evaluation brings some benefits for a pupil and a teacher themselves. The children who are aware of the level of their competence (conscious of their strong and weak points) can apply their competences more successfully. In light of the above, the educational diagnosis can significantly increase the level of education quality and effects and (can) naturally direct the teachers-researchersí reasoning towards the issues related to the process of evaluation.
- Książki, rozdziały [944]