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dc.contributor.authorŚwięcicka, M.
dc.identifier.citationPolskie Forum Psychologiczne 2005, T. 10, nr 1, s. 7-18en_US
dc.description.abstractClinical symptoms of inattention are present in various child psychopathologies: ADHD, Anxiety Disorder, Learning Disabilities. This study attempts to show that the phenomenon of inattention and mechanisms underlying its manifestation are not homogenous. It is proposed that behavioral symptoms of inattention are the consequence of the complex relationships between components of attention, emotionality and executive functions. The study is based on the analysis of 20 interviews with parents who have voluntarily consulted a child psychologist upon discovering symptom of inattention in their children. Clinical symptoms of inattention described by parents, circumstances of their occurrence, and other psychopathological behaviors accompanying inattention are analyzed. Three typical patterns of inattentive behavior are proposed: impulsive, inattentive-active and inattentive-inhibited. lt is hypothesized that the core problem in impulsive children is the deficit of behavioral inhibition, while in inattentive children it is the deficit of executive attention. The differences in clinical symptoms between the two groups of inattentive children are due to the specific emotionality, related to the temperamental characteristics of these children.en_US
dc.publisherInstytut Psychologii Akademii Bydgoskiej im. Kazimierza Wielkiegoen_US
dc.titleObjawy zaburzeń uwagi u dzieci jako wyraz współzależności między procesami poznawczymi, kontrolnymi i emocjonalnymien_US
dc.title.alternativeSymptoms of children's inattention as the effects of interaction of cognition, self-control and emotionalityen_US

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Pokaż uproszczony rekord