Wybory translatorskie XIX-wiecznego słownikarza rosyjskiego jako impuls do badań chronologizacyjnych polskiej leksyki zapożyczonej
Fifty-one entries (with the letter M) in the Russian-Polish dictionary of 1877 which were assigned a discussion of the meaning instead of a real translation, e.g. муссон – wjatr periodyczny [a periodic wind], were examined. These were limited to borrowed Russian units which today correspond to Polish borrowed units, e.g. муссон – monsun [monsoon]. The Polish words are the object of the analysis. In order to discover the reason for their omission from the dictionary, evidence of their use in the corpus of historical texts was sought. It was found that 80% of the borrowings (41 units) occurred in texts before 1876, but some of them were not recorded in the dictionaries of the time and perhaps that is why they did not find their way into the translation dictionary. 20% of the material (10 units) is lexis that entered circulation after the dictionary was published
- Artykuły naukowe [371]
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