Wyobrażenia studiujących kobiet o małżeństwie i rodzinie w kontekście badań własnych
In studies undertaken to try to obtain information about the perceptions of female students on marriage, family, procreation and divorce. This issue becomes of great importance in the period of significant transformation of social life, taking place in previously unimaginable pace and covering almost every sphere of human life. The subjects are in a period of his life, in which the issue of views on marriage and family life becomes particularly important. The research method was used diagnostic survey. The analysis has been subjected to 341 completed questionnaires. The subjects were students (first and third year) of universities (both state and private) in Bydgoszcz. Studying women refer their reasons to contract marriage, accept delaying the age of their conclusion indicating the reasons for such decisions, in favor of the preferred age of marriage. In most, respondents want to have children. The preferred model of family is the parents of two children. Students have a tendency to extend the definition of family. Expect partnerships in their relationship. Accept divorce, indicate the reasons for its decision. The perception of divorce is changing, it's appears a positive aspect. The study indicates the progressive process of individualization, the pursuit of personal happiness, even at the cost of many sacrifices associated with it. The obtained results of research allow to realize about the current transformation and projection of marriage and family life.
- Książki, rozdziały [945]