Nauki Ścisłe i Przyrodnicze: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 181-200 z 428
Effect of elevated physical activity on changes in body composition and subcutaneous fat distribution in boys aged 10 to 16 years : a longitudinal study
(2014)The study is aimed at evaluation of the effect of regular physical activity on total and subcutaneous body fat and its distribution in boys aged 10 to 16 years. A three-year longitudinal study was carried out in order to ... -
Strength profile in young male athletes from different sports
(2013)Study aim: The aim of the present study was to determine a strength profile which characterizes young male athletes from different sports and to use the method of allometry to synthetically evaluate the muscular strength ... -
Hormonal responses to repeated bouts of supramaximal cycle ergometer exertions
(2005)Study aim: To determine hormonal (growth hormone, cortisol and testosterone in blood)responses to a series of supramaximal cycle ergometer exercise bouts. Material and methods:Seven physical education students were subjected ... -
Special Judo Fitness Test and biomechanics measurements as a way to control of physical fitness in young judoists
(2010)The aim of this study was to compare biomechanics and special methods control of judo training process. The study was conducted on eight junior judoists. Special abilities were evaluated using a Special Judo Fitness Test ... -
Economical and optimal pedalling velocity characteristics during maximal and submaximal efforts on cycloergometer
(2007)This investigation was undertaken in order to verify the hypothesis that there exist some relationship between the optimal and economical pedalling rate in maximal efforts and the economical pedalling speed in submaximal ... -
Changes of muscle torque after sprint and endurance training performed on the cycle ergometer
(2008)The aim of this work was the specification of the influence of the sprint and endurance training performed on the cycle ergometer on changes of muscle torque. Forty three students of the Academy of Physical Education in ... -
Recreational judo training, singing in the choir, or hip-hop dancing - the alternative opportunities to develop the human respiratory system. The pilot study
(2015)Background. One of the most important elements of physical wellness is the comfort of breathing – unlimited use of the surrounding air by the human body, without breathlessness, day or night apnea, or the ability to use ... -
The alternative ways of aging of men based on the forced spirometry results in terms of the salutogenesis theory
(2015)The aim of this study was to find the relationship between the different modes of human life and the functional status of the respiratory system, whilst the human body is aging. The study of forced spirometry was attended ... -
Struktura demograficzna gminy Białe Błota w latach 1988-2013
(2014)Artykuł dotyczy struktury demograficznej społeczeństwa gminy Białe Błota w latach 1988-2013. Przedstawiono w nim wyniki badania mieszkańców gminy Białe Błota pod względem liczebności, gęstości zaludnienia, przyrostu ... -
Napływ ludności na teren gminy Białe Błota w latach 1988-2013
(2014)Artykuł ukazuje wyniki badania przypływu ludności na teren gminy Białe Błota w latach 1988-2013. Opisano w nim zameldowania w gminie Białe Błota na przestrzeni analizowanego przedziału czasowego pod względem ilości oraz ... -
Odpływ ludności z gminy Białe Błota w latach 1988-2013
(2014)W opracowaniu przedstawiono wyniki badania odpływu ludności z terenu gminy Białe Błota w latach 1988-2013. Zaprezentowano w nim wymeldowania z gminy Białe Błota w okresie 26 lat pod względem wielkości oraz kierunku ... -
Współczesne problemy turystyki
(Ośrodek Rekreacji, Sportu i Edukacji w Poznaniu, 2015)Zagadnienia omawiane w monografii mają charakter regionalny, dotyczą studiów przypadku województwa kujawsko-pomorskiego oraz Bydgoszczy. Inne artykuły koncentrują się na szeroko pojętym planowaniu turystycznym, trendach ... -
Culinary tourism in the Cuiavian-Pomeranian Province, Poland
(Pegem Akademi, 2015)The physical, geographical and environmental conditions, as well as the cultural heritage, have a good influence on the tourist at tractions in the Cuiavian-Pomeranian Province. As it was presented, the region offers a ... -
Somatotype variables related to muscle torque and power in judoists
(2011)The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between somatotype, muscle torque and power output in judoists. Thirteen judoists (age 18.4±3.1 years, body height 178.6±8.2 cm, body mass 82.3±15.9 kg) volunteered ... -
Somatotype-variables related to muscle torque and power output in female volleyball players
(2013)The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between somatotype, muscle torque, maximal power output and height of rise of the body mass centre measured in akimbo counter movement jump (ACMJ), counter ... -
Jumping abilities in elite female volleyball players: comparative analysis among age categories
(2012)The aim of the study was to examine age-related differences in the maximal power and height of rise of the body’s centre of mass, measured in the counter-movement jump (CMJ) and the spike jump (SPJ), between elite cadet, ... -
Muscle strength and power of elite female and male swimmers
(2011)The aim of the study was to examine gender differences in the maximal power and height of rise of the body mass centre, measured in ACMJ (akimbo counter movement jump), BCMJ (bounce counter movement jump) and CMJ (counter ... -
Power output and mechanical efficiency of human muscle in maximal cycle ergometer efforts at different pedalling rates
(2005)The aim of this work was to verify the hypothesis that the lowering of the pedalling rate (elicited by the increase of the exterior load) during maximal efforts performed with identical work amount causes the growth of the ... -
Influence of two high-intensity intermittent training programmes on anaerobic capacity in humans
(2011)The aim of this work was to determine the influence of a maximal effort training programme with variation of the pedalling rate on the anaerobic capacity, post-exercise maximal concentration of lactic acid (LA) and acid-alkali ... -
Effects of the cycloergometer exercises on power and jumping ability measured during jumps performed on a dynamometric platform
(2010)The aim of this work was the determination of the cycloergometer exercises influence on the lower limbs power changes and height of rise of the body mass centre, measured in CMJ (counter movement jump) and performed on a ...