Economic Cooperation of the People's Republic of China with the Independent South Sudan
The subject of the paper is economic cooperation between the People's Republic of China
and South Sudan during the first decade of independence of the African state. The introduction
discusses the methodological assumptions of the paper. The first section is devoted to
discussing cooperation between countries in the in the oil sector. This is the main area of
economic cooperation between states and the oil is the dominant commodity for trade. Its
extraction and import by China are systematically hindered due to internal and external
conflicts of South Sudan. The second section discusses other aspects of economic cooperation
between states. The principles on which economic cooperation is based on are presented. The
main areas of interest of Chinese enterprises in South Sudan were outlined. The most
important economic agreements concluded between countries were indicated. Development
and humanitarian aid provided by China to South Sudan were discussed. The possibilities and
requirements necessary to deepen economic cooperation between countries were analyzed.
The purpose of the paper is to discuss, analyze and asses cooperation of the People's
Republic of China with independent South Sudan. The main research problem is contained in
the question of how economic relations between countries are shaped and what conditions
have the greatest impact on them. The main research hypothesis is that economic relations
between China and South Sudan are characterized by clear asymmetry and focus on the oil
sector. They are above all conditioned by a large difference in the economic potential of states
and their roles in the global economic system. The possibility of strengthening and developing
economic cooperation mostly depends on the stability of South Sudan.
- Artykuły naukowe [444]
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