Aksjologiczno-kulturowe aspekty wizerunku star(sz)ej kobiety w przysłowiach polskich. Ujęcie interdyscyplinarne
The text shows an interdisciplinary perspective on a research question revolving around the reconstruction of an image of an old(er) woman in Polish proverbs. The aim of the article is to describe evaluative elements encoded by proverbs and saying. Their anthropological and axiological analysis is targeted at singling out the vehicles and types of evaluations, recognis ing categories of evaluation, making an attempt at reconstructing evaluative judgements and identifying the motivation of assessments. Thus delineated interdisciplinary reflection inscribes into the research area inspired by the cultural theory of language, which directs attention to language structures and varying contexts, in particular cultural contexts. The source of the material gleaned for the purpose of this analysis is Nowa księga przysłów i wyrażeń przysłowiowych polskich (Krzyżanowski et al. 1970, v. I–III).
- Artykuły naukowe [371]
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