Samorząd gminny jako forma przedsiębiorczości publicznej. Zarys problemu
Professor Michal Kulesza, referring to the communal self-government formed in Poland after 1990, pointed out that ‘the self-government is the most important developed form of public entrepreneurship, it is a peculiar company that acts on behalfofthe members ofcommunity, and, as every company, must possess stable economic, social and territorial potentials’. Basing on the above assumption, it has been stated herein that the commune should be perceived as a territorial unit focused on achieving targets and creating the area that enables others (inhabitants, investors or potential inhabitants) to act effectively. As a result, the commune provides internal and external consumers with the products ofplace, whilst the proper management ofthe area gives it an asset to be used when gaining competitive advantage over other communes. Spatial order, modem architectural volume, space ofrecreation and leisure, well-developed local communication, local cuisine and committed local community- these are only some elements which the commune brand may be built of. And at the same time these elements constitute the areas to be identified with public entrepreneurship. Profit from such form of activity does not necessarily have to be measured with economic indicators, and may be reflected in an intangible form. It will be gained by a change in the image of a commune, by an improvement ofinhabitants’ health condition and by satisfaction of an individual, following from the increased quality ofthe surrounding area.
- Książki, rozdziały [945]