Selekcje szkolne w toku kształcenia czy spontaniczne? Kilka pytań o merytokrację w świetle dorobku Profesora Ryszarda Borowicza
Processes of selection of schools have already constituted the object of the Doctoral Dissertation of Professor Ryszard Borowicz, prepared under a scientific supervision of Professor Zbigniew Kwieciński, and also of his numerous books and papers published throughout his whole scientific career. One of the leading concepts applied in the projects carried out by Professor Ryszard Borowicz was the meritocratic concept. Application of that theory in the explanation of phenomena taking place in the contemporary education system has been subject of critical analysis. Besides, the possible directions of studies have been proposed concerning the selection of schools, including the university-level of education. A number of questions have been raised worth answering, especially in face of dynamic transformations taking place in the Polish society that are somehow a consequence of belief in education that was supposed to create stratification mechanisms enabling promotion of positively selected individuals, according to the relation “merit-award”. With consideration for the Professor’s achievements, and for current indicators, some phenomena have been presented that currently exist in the system and are directly related with the problem of selection of schools.
- Artykuły naukowe [444]