Przedsiębiorstwo w okresie transformacji : ochrona technologii produkcji, know-how i bezpieczeństwo socjalne załogi. Analiza mikroekonomiczna
On the basis of empirical examples, this paper presents a problem of an enter prise safe operation in the economic space of a free market constructed in Poland after 1989. When discussing the abovementioned issue, a particular attention was drawn to protection of precious assets of an enterprise, such as production technology, know-how and brand, in a difficult period of the ownership changes and enterprise restructuring. Besides, methods of providing social security to the staff of the enterprise were presented. According to the author, the presented two layers forming a safe economic environment of the enterprise in a micro- and macro-scale constituted one of the factors that enabled a successful introduction of the radical economic reforms after 1989.
- Książki, rozdziały [945]