Temperament i kompetencje społeczne uczniów szkół artystycznych w okresie późnej adolescencji
The article focuses on the specificity of psychosocial functioning of the music and art
schools students. The research presented revealed the differences between the musical and artistic talented adolescents in terms of the temperament traits and social competences. Comparative group consisted of students of general schools. 354 students took part in the study, of which 45% were music schools students, 28% were art schools students, and 27% were the students of general schools. The assumption was made that the profile of education represented by particular groups of art and music schools students is tantamount to having an elevated level of musical or artistic skills. The surveyed students of general schools declared lack of both interest in art and artistic abilities. The results of the research revealed that the students of art and music schools exhibit significantly higher level of endurance (conceived as an attribute of temperament, measured by the Temperament Questionnaire – Formal Characteristics of Behaviour by Bogdan Zawadzki and Jan Strelau) than the students of general schools. On the other hand, in terms of social competences (measured by Anna Matczak’s Social Competence Questionnaire) students of art schools exhibit a significantly lower level of ability in the field of social exposure than the students of music schools and general schools.
- Artykuły naukowe [444]
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