Pre-verbal communication behaviours in children with Cri du chat syndrome in the opinion of parents
Cri du chat syndrome (CdC) is a rare disease characterized, among others, by the presence of decreased muscle tone, microcephaly and high palate. We also observe
hypoplasia of the mandible, abnormal structure and function of the larynx (somatic
symptoms) as well as psychomotor development disorders and intellectual disability (psychomotor symptoms). The children display a varied level of functioning;
most of them do not use verbal speech. Describing the problem of pre-verbal communication behaviours we took into account the following elements: the level of
primary, sensory and auditory communication behaviours, as well as the organization of behaviours and signalling needs.
The objective of the paper is to describe the pre-verbal behaviours in children with
Cri du chat syndrome. The following questions were formulated: What is the level
of pre-verbal communication (primary, sensory and auditory) in the child with CdC
syndrome? What communication behaviours can be distinguished in the child with
CdC syndrome and what is their level of organization? What is the level of signalling needs in the child with CdC?
The pre-verbal communication behaviours in children with Cri du chat syndrome
presented in the article are diverse, ranging from the ability to use gestures to signal
needs, to vocalizing in order to provoke the contact with another person. Behaviours displayed by the daughter/son and indicated by parents may be the basis for
the process of teaching pre-verbal communication
- Artykuły naukowe [444]