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dc.contributor.authorNowakowska-Kutra, Aleksandra
dc.identifier.citationNowakowska-Kutra Aleksandra, Cyberprzemoc - przyczyny i konsekwencje użytkowania przez młodzież masowych form komunikowania się, W: Młode pokolenie : ofiary czy sprawcy przemocy?, red. T. Sołtysiak, A. Nowakowska. Bydgoszcz 2010, S. 179-195en_US
dc.description.abstractThe article concentrates on the analysis ofthe phenomena of violence on the Internet. The author focuses on pointing out the reasons for this problem in a light ofdramatic theory and interactive ritual. Change in the character of cyberspace, widely available access to the Internet, disappearing net culture have led to the emergence of violence with the use ofthe latest technologies. According to the quoted research this phenomena is very common among Polish teenagers. The results ofbeing a victim of violence on the Internet and the process ofbecoming a perpetrator were analyzed. The meaning ofanonymity and the ability to take a new social role, sometimes very different from the role played in real life, were pointed out. Processes ofritual degradation, destroying the status of victim and ceremonial profanation were characterized.en_US
dc.subjectformy komunikacjien_US
dc.titleCyberprzemoc - przyczyny i konsekwencje użytkowania przez młodzież masowych form komunikowania sięen_US
dc.typeBook chapteren_US
dc.description.sponsorshipProjekt Operacyjny Polska Cyfrowa POPC.02.03.01-00-0039/18

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