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dc.contributor.authorKropidłowski, Zdzisław
dc.identifier.citationKropidłowski Zdzisław, "Republika Listów" online, W: Oblicza przestrzeni informacyjnej w dobie Web 2.0, red. Katarzyna Domańska, Ewa Głowacka, Paweł Marzec. Bydgoszcz 2016, S. 257-273en_US
dc.description.abstractThe article presents a project entitled Early Modern Letters Online (EMLO), carried out by the Bodleian Digital Library Systems and Services in cooperation with the Faculty of Humanities of Oxford University; it is financed by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The aim of the project is to publish all existing letters dated 1550-1750 in Web 2.0 space. It represents an attempt to establish cooperation between several scientific environments such as computing (information technologists, designers and architects of websides) on one hand and humanities (librarians, archivists, researchers and editors) on the other. Their goal is to present all sources in one web portal in various statistical and graphic forms. The letters come from about 4,500 places and 706 organisations and are placed in 207 repositories at present. The project enables free simultaneous access to multiple documents for private, scientific and research purposes. Its unique advantage is that it also facilitates scientific contacts with institutions and researchers dealing with those letters. It constitutes an important and innovative solution in organising library resources.en_US
dc.subjectdigitalizacja listów z lat 1550-1750en_US
dc.subjectprojekt Early Modern Letters Onlineen_US
dc.title"Republika Listów" onlineen_US
dc.typeBook chapteren_US
dc.description.sponsorshipProjekt Operacyjny Polska Cyfrowa POPC.02.03.01-00-0039/18

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