Iwo Rohweder jako budowniczy kościoła i duszpasterz parafii w Łęgowie
Iwo Rohweder was a Cistercian monk in Oliwa. He was the Prior in the monaster. Together with Jacek Rybiński, the abbot, he took an active part in major religious and political events in the Pomeranian region. He contributed greatly to raising the splendour of the monaster in its religious, cultural and economic aspect. Between 1741-1765 he devoted himself to pastoral work in St. Nicholas church in Łęgowo. Besides his parish church he also renovated the branch church in Róžyny; he built new utility buildings. Rich interior decorations were to serve pastoral purposes and conversion into Roman Catholic faith. As the parish priest he called rosar and charity fraternities to life and caring for the poor, he funded and equipped the parish poorhouse. He was so involved with the parish that it was his wish to be buried in the church, not in the monaster.
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