Artykuły naukowe: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 21-40 z 371
Two Satyrs Against Travelling: The Arts and the Grand Tour in Peregrine Pickle, Vol. 2, and Tristram Shandy, Vol. 7
(2022)Comparisons between Tobias Smollett and Laurence Sterne have typically been based on Travels through France and Italy and A Sentimental Journey. Here, the travel sections of Peregrine Pickle and Tristram Shandy inform a ... -
Экспрессионистские мотивы в рассказе Тринадцатые Василия Яновского
(2021)The article studies some significant issues of Russian literatury expressionism his- tory and theory. The interaction between russian and Western expressionism in the field od literature and culture of the XX century’s ... -
Приватні та громадські зони в міському просторі на прикладі середньовічного м. Торунь
(2022)Місто - це люди, люди складають місто. Місто - це простір, де живуть, працюють і діють його мешканці. Предметом статті є міський простір. Проаналізовано три простори: топографічне розташування міста та наслідки, що випливають ... -
Dialectics of utopia and dystopia in "Never Let Me Go" by Kazuo Ishiguro
(2022)Based on the historical shift from utopian to dystopian fiction, the article argues that Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro does not invite a clear dystopian reading. The novel shows an innovative method of lengthening the ... -
A divided diocese at the end of the Christian world. The case of the bishopric of Włocławek
(2022)The construction of the gothic cathedral church in Włocławek on the new site by the local bishops, after the former one was burned down by the knights of the Teutonic Order in 1329, coincides with a time of political ... -
O osobowym wymiarze teatru
(2021) -
Christian Hope in the Postmodern World. On the Essence and Decline of Hope, and on the Prospects for Its Restoration, as seen from the Perspective of the Philosophy of Culture
(2019)The focus of the article is Christian hope, its decline in postmodern culture, and the prospects for its restoration. The analysis in question is conducted with reference to Benedict XVI’s encyclical Spe Salvi. The object ... -
Myślenie według sacrum
(2020) -
Story beats in videogames as value-driven choice-based unit operations
(2021)We present a framework of story beats, defined as microunits of dramatic action, as a tool for the ludonarrative analysis of videogames. First, we explain the Goal - Action - Reaction - Outcome model of the story beat. ... -
Skansen czy skarbnica? Obraz kultury materialnej bydgoszczan zapisany w ich gwarze miejskiej (analiza etymologiczna)
(2021)Przedmiotem opisu są nazwy ubioru, wyposażenia mieszkania, przedmiotów codziennego użytku, narzędzi, środków transportu, jakie zawiera leksyka gwary bydgoskiej. Słownictwo to przynosi zarówno nazwy ubioru wierzchniego, np. ... -
Krytyka religii i kultury arabskiej w "Chorobie islamu" Abdelwahaba Meddeba
(2021)he first Polish edition of Abdelwahab Meddeb’s La maladie de l’islam (The Malady of Islam) is an important achievement for all researchers of Islam, Arab culture and relations between the West and the Arab/Islamic ... -
Humour through the Visual Narrative of Comicbook Characters' Emotional States Analysing Fullmetal Alchemist
(2021)This study analyses how humour is constructed through multimodal devices in Fullmetal Alchemist. The results of analysis show that comicbook characters’ positive and negative emotions can be used as a source of humour ... -
Józef M. Bocheński's Conception of Analytic Philosophy
(Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki w Bydgoszczy, 2019)The article characterizes the main features Bocheński’s conception of Analytic Philosophy. In the first part, we present the difference between Analytic Philosophy and different world-views. Then we discuss the forth rules ... -
Что на уме то и на языке? или о специфике языковых зооморфных картин мира дальневосточно-азиатского культурного ареала
(Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki w Bydgoszczy, 2019) -
Ludo-żercy dobro-czyńcy. Karl Kraus i Elfriede Jelinek
(2018)Artykuł stanowi próbę porównania poetologii reprezentowanych przez austriackich pisarzy satyrycznych Karla Krausa i Elfriede Jelinek z uwzględnieniem kontekstów kulturowych, w których osadzona jest ich twórczość. Punktem ... -
Koncepcja epistemologii Kazimierza Twardowskiego
(2018)The article outlines the development and main principles of Kazimierz Twardowski’s epistemology which had the greatest relevance for the Polish contemporary theory of knowledge. The primary emphasis was placed firstly upon ... -
Kazimierz Twardowski i Wojciech Dzieduszycki - dwa przykłady społecznego zaangażowania polskiego intelektualisty
(2018)The text compares several main practical ideas of Kazimierz Twardowski to common Polish attitudes and ways of acting which can be called the „spirit of Polishness”. Twardowski’s four main practical ideas are: understanding ... -
Kazimierz Twardowski a duch polskości
(2018)The text compares several main practical ideas of Kazimierz Twardowski to common Polish attitudes and ways of acting which can be called the „spirit of Polishness”. Twardowski’s four main practical ideas are: understanding ...