Analiza organizacji systemu zagospodarowania odpadów komunalnych na przykładzie gmin powiatu bydgoskiego. Studium porównawcze (cz. II)
The paper is the second one of the series of articles whose objective is to present the waste
management system operative in the communes comprising the District of Bydgoszcz. The analysis embraces the legislation in force before 1 January 2012 when the ‘revolutionary’ amendment to the Act on Maintenance of Order and Cleanliness in Communes came became effective. The author analyzed and evaluated the measures whose adoption was supposed to further the construction of an effective and complex system of communal waste management. They include development and increase in effectiveness of selective waste collection taking into special consideration the collection of biodegradable waste, establishment of supracommunal structures for waste management, reduction in deposition of biodegradable waste in the landfills, the development of installations for recycling and rendering harmless of waste, current liquidation of illegal landfills, stocktaking of old landfills with the view of
their reclamation, as well as taking increased actions aiming at closing, modernizing and reclaiming of ineffective local landfills and extending of regional ones pursuant to the standards imposed by the European Union.