Ochrona praw konsumenta będącego stroną umowy o imprezę turystyczną
This article is dedicated to the protection of consumers’ rights after the signing of a package
travel contract. The main purpose of my work was to show the consumer’s rights and liability of tourism under existing law. Tour operator is obliged to fulfill certain obligations with respect to all consumers, regardless of whether the customer in the future will be a client in the future. Such an example is the disclosure obligations. A wide range of data required by statute allows the customer to avoid incurring costs that have not been told. A detailed description of the benefit is extremly helpful in enforcing the proper performance of the contract by the tour. The next subtitle describes the duties of the tour in ensuring customer safety. Attention is paid to the differences in this respect between the Polish and European regulation. Polish legislator broadens the scope of consumer protection through the use of a broader definition of force majeure and the obligation to obtain certain qualifications by people who care for clients. Later in this article I have tried to show the liability of the tour operator for the protection of the economic interests of the client. In the subtitle I have included discussion on the scope and principles of liability for luggage, protection against price increase shortly before departure, the permissions connected associated with the cancellation of the event or the failure to achieve its program by the organiser and the possibility to transfer rights and obligations of the customer. It also presents the advantages
of the complaint procedure and rules expiration claims arising from the contract.