Spółdzielcze Kasy Oszczędnościowo-Kredytowe w polskim systemie bankowym
In the development of the Polish cooperative banking system cooperative savings and credit unions (CSCU) stand out even though they are economically indistinguishable from cooperative banks. Despite the fact that CSCUs run the activities similar to ones performed by banks, the activities of CSCUs were not supervised by public authorities that exercise control and supervision over the banking operations. Maximizing profits at any cost has never been of utmost importance to cooperative unions. Just the opposite, social implications of undertaken actions have always been taken into consideration, since people’s interests should never be overshadowed by the pursuit of profit-making. New statutory regulations pertaining to CSCUs provide a wide framework for their activities, including the servicing the entities belonging to the so-called third sector, especially the institutions. The new rules on supervision shall contribute to the strengthening of the stability of the CSCU-system, however they call for being firmed up by adopting some executive regulations. However, many of new executive provisions implementing the statutory regulations may have a discriminatory effect on credit unions by putting banks in an advantageous position.