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dc.contributor.authorKubiak-Szymborska, Ewa
dc.identifier.citationPedagogika Szkoły Wyższej 2011, nr 2, s. 10-26.en_US
dc.description.abstractAt a time of redefining the mission of higher education, the preparation of the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning, we should return to the somewhat forgotten and unfashionable discussion on education in universities. It is in its hallowed walls of the designated ages that the patterns of behavior for each society and the ones regarding universal values are thought. It is therefore appropriate to recall some basic arguments in favor of a return to the discussion about the need for education. First, one may mention the theories of optimization of the life course, remaining beyond doubt in connection with theories of human development throughout life, and secondly it is a young people's conviction that the period of study can and should be a continuation of the process of education undertaken at earlier stages of their education. Further arguments are the growing empowerment of students, building a sense of responsibility, autonomy, commitment, and other social skills. The arguments for the need for education in the universities are difficult to ignore that which is related to the location of universities in its external environment, in a democratic state structures and due to its traditions and challenges of the future.en_US
dc.titleWychowanie w szkole wyższej - przeżytek czy nadal potrzeba? O zapomnianych obszarach refleksji w pedagogice szkoły wyższejen_US
dc.title.alternativeEducation in universities – a relic or a need? About the forgotten areas of reflection in higher education pedagogyen_US

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