Nauczyciel akademicki wobec dylematu: badacz - dydaktyk - wychowawca - organizator
In the course of professional activities undertaken by university teachers,
they assume at least four different roles, namely the one of a researcher, teacher,
educator, and organizer of academic life. Taking on each of these roles imposes on a university teacher a necessity to possess appropriate abilities and competences that are necessary for the proper performance of assigned duties. The content presented in the article is an attempt to describe and analyse the operation of a university teacher in the above four roles assigned to him or her, which may be in conflict. Hence, performing these roles, a university teacher often faces the
dilemma which of them to give priority to, which of them to consider to be a priority and, at the same time, how not to endanger any other dimension of professional activity with sustaining damage.
- Artykuły naukowe [444]