Annual Reports of Education, Health and Sport 9781329876002
Oglądaj/ Otwórz
Czerwińska-Pawluk, Iwona
Muszkieta, Radosław
Napierała, Marek
Zukow, Walery
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
We hope that a varied program of the Annual Reports of Education, Health and Sport will answer your expectations. We believe that the Annual Reports of Education, Health and Sport will contribute to raising the knowledge, skills and abilities of doctors, therapists, physiotherapists, nurses, psychologists, biologists, researchers, practitioners and health workers interested in rehabilitation, physiotherapy, tourism and recreation. Annual Reports of Education, Health and Sport, corresponding to the modern challenges of global health specialists collect articles from those areas of the leading centers of renowned foreign and domestic. Many of them present state of art in their field. This will be particularly valuable for young doctors in the specialization, and students. Welcome to familiarize yourself with this issue all relevant hazards and health, life and safety at work in tourism, recreation, rehabilitation, physiotherapy, nursing organization to work safely and missions in these conditions, the influence of environmental conditions on public health. Authors from abroad and the country will present an overview of contemporary challenges and solutions in these areas. The issue concerns the text of the wider work for human health, tourism, recreation, physiotherapy, nursing, wellness and rehabilitation, including the economics of health care.
- Książki, rozdziały [119]
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